Meet Regina Maestri

District 1 City Councilwoman Regina Maestri truly loves Pueblo. She’s been proud to call this home for more than 33 years now, and although some may consider her a transplant, her family has a long history in the area, migrating from New Mexico in the early 1920s to Pueblo’s east side. 

Regina was born and raised in Gilroy, California, a small ranching and farming community in rural California, spending summers in Pueblo with family before moving here permanently when she was 24 years old. Even as a child, Regina was familiar with the city's vibrant atmosphere, it’s charms and traditions. She quickly fell in love with Pueblo and is incredibly proud of its people, culture and past recognitions, such as the Most Economical City in America. 

No one will work harder to ensure Pueblo once again becomes the very best place in Colorado to live, work, and raise a family.

Like Pueblo, Regina’s family is a melting pot. She comes from a  culturally diverse family with each of her great grandparents having distinct heritages, including Italian, Spanish, Ute Native American, Portuguese, Irish, and German roots. It’s this diverse upbringing that has allowed her to appreciate, learn, and grow immersed in different cultures and values that many Puebloans have been raised with while witnessing firsthand the true power of the American dream. Regina was especially close to her grandmother, who was a bi-lingual school bus driver and raised her with strong ties to the farm labor community, especially the children. 

In her professional career, Regina worked as a steelworker for Union #4206 at Dana Corp. until NAFTA led the company to relocate to Mexico. For over 25 years now, she has been in the mortgage, single family homebuilding, multifamily restoration industry, and currently works in commercial construction.

Councilwoman Maestri raised her only son in Pueblo. Now, he is raising his family here too as a devoted servant to our community proudly working to keep us safe as a Peace Officer. Additionally, her daughter-in-law serves as a dedicated Middle School math teacher in District 70, contributing everyday to the educational development of local kids. Regina is incredibly close to her son, his wife, and her grandkids.

“I’m running for mayor because too often, citizens' voices get drowned out by leaders who think they know better than We The People. This is YOUR community and YOU are the boss!”

“I hear from friends, neighbors and constituents everyday who are tired of Pueblo’s downward spiral, the rising crime, unsightly blight, homelessness, and the addiction facing our community. I’m disappointed in the current leadership who don’t consider the ramifications of their poor decisions and wasteful spending.”

With a strong desire to contribute more to the city she loves and give back, Regina ran for, and was elected by voters of District 1 to the City Council, serving the hardworking taxpayers and families in our community.

As a council member, Regina is concerned that the voices of the constituents are not being heard, and clearly understands the challenges facing Pueblo such as blight, rising crime, homelessness, a struggling economy and addiction. She knows the current leadership is not addressing these issues effectively and believes that the people should have more say in their community.

Regina understands that she serves the people, not the other way around. YOU are the boss! She encourages people as often as possible to reach out to her directly and learn about her vision for a cleaner, safer Pueblo, and why she is the best choice for creating positive change to restore the city to a place they can feel safe and proud to call home. Unlike many elected officials, Regina truly listens to the voices of her constituents. 

“We must act quickly to defend hardworking taxpayers, address the very serious issues facing our city, and reverse this path of decline for all members of our community.”